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सवनं घोरसङ्काशं दृष्ट्वा नरवरात्मजः ॥
अविप्रहतमैक्ष्वाकः पप्रच्छ मुनिपुङ्गवम् ॥
अहो वनमिदं दुर्ग किं न्वेतद्दारुणं वनम् ॥
Seeing the forest of terrible aspect,
untrodden by any as yet, Rama asked the
best of ascetics ( Visvamitra) :-
"Oh! this forest is impenetrable. What
forest is this, of cruel aspect ?"
तमुवाच महातेजा विश्वामित्रो महामुनिः ॥
Visvamitra, the great ascetic of great
brilliance, answered him thus :-
ताटका नाम भद्रं ते भार्या सुन्दस्य धीमतः ॥
मारीचो राक्षसः पुत्रो यस्याः शक्रपराक्रमः ॥
"Good betide you. The wise Sunda
has a wife known as Tataka, whose son
is the Rakshasa Maricha, equal to Indra
in valour.
सेयं पन्थानमावृत्य वसत्यत्यर्धयोजने ।
अत एव च गन्तव्यं वाटकाया वनं यतः ॥
Obstructing this path, she lives at a
distance of a yojana and a half. We have
therefore to go where Tataka's forest lies.