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The Indian Review is edited by one who, for over
a third of a century, has evinced deep interest in the
condition of Indians Overseas. Mr. Natesan took a leading
part in the great agitation in India in connection with
the South African Indian struggle under the lead of
Mahatma Gandhi. Mr. Gandhi was in constant commu-
nication with M Natesan both in regard to keeping up
the agitation In India as well as in safeguarding the
interests of the South African deportees, whose cause he
made his own. Mahatma Gandhi writing in Satya-
graha in South Africa' says: In those days, Mr.
Natesan perhaps stood alone in India as a student of the
grievances of Indians abroad, their valued helper,
and a systematic and well informed exponent of
their case. I had regular correspondence with him.
When the deportees reached Madras, Mr. Natesan
rendered them full assistance. . In this public work,
his monthly magazine The Indian Review has played
no inconsiderable part. For month after month, a special
section in that journal devoted to the problem of Overseas
Indians has kept up and stimulated Indian interests in
the problem of Indians abroad.
Mr. C. F. Andrews: "I came into closest contact with
Mr. Natesan, owing to his devoted work on behalf of
South African Indians, and I carried a message of affec-
tion from him to Mahatma Gandhi when I parted from
him in Madras for South Africa at the end of November,
1918. The cause of Indians abroad has found in him
an indefatigable worker.
Mr. H. S. L. Polak : "I will remember the gallant
support you gave and were instrumental in procuring in
the critical days of the South African troubles before the
War, and ever since the problem of the disabilities and
state of Indians abroad has been ventilated in the
columns of the Review with unfailing regularity."
Single copy, One Shilling.
Annual subscription Twelve Shillings including
postage. Subscriptions can commence from any month.