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Then Rama ascended that peerless Vimana
placing the shy and noble Vaidehi in his
lap, accompanied by his valorous bowman
and brother Lakshmana.
ते सर्वे वानरा हृष्टा राक्षसाश्च महाबलाः ।
यथासुखमसंबाधं दिव्ये तस्मिन्नुपाविशन् ॥
All the mighty monkeys and Rakshasas
also gladly took their seats in that divine
car comfortably and without overcrowding.
अनुशातं तु रामेण तद्विमाननुत्तमम् ।
उत्पपात महामेघः श्वसनेनोद्धतो यथा ॥
Given leave by Rama, that peerless
Vimana rose up like a great cloud
driven by wind.
अयोध्यां तु समालोक्य चिन्तयामास राघवः ।
चिन्तयित्वा हनूमन्तम् उवाच प्लवगोत्तमः ॥
On seeing Ayodhya, Raghava fell into
thought. After thinking (for a while) he
said to Hanuman, foremost of monkeys :
भरतस्तु त्वया वाच्यः कुशलं वचनान्मम ।
सिद्धार्थ शंस मां तस्मै सभायें सहलक्ष्मणः ॥