2023-02-19 12:14:42 by ambuda-bot
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नास्ति मे त्वय्यभिष्वङ्गो यथेष्टं गम्यतामितः ॥
I have no desire for you. You may go
from here wherever you like."
एवमुक्ता तु वैदेही परुष रोमहर्षणम् ।
शनैर्गद्गदया वाचा भर्तारमिदमब्रवीत् ॥
Being told such harsh words, making the
hair stand on end, Vaidehi said slowly and
in faltering accents to her lord :
किं मामसदृशं वाक्यम् ईदृशं श्रोत्रदारुणम् ।
रूक्षं श्रावयसे वीर प्राकृतः प्राकृतामिव ॥
O hero, why do you tell me such unbecom-
ing and harsh words, which are painful to
the ear, like a common man addressing
a common woman?
न तथाऽस्मि महाबाहो यथा त्वमवगच्छसि ।
प्रत्ययं गच्छ मे येन चारित्रेणैव ते शपे ॥
0 mighty-armed one, I am not as you
think me. Have belief in me, I swear to
you by my character.
पृथक् स्त्रीणां प्रचारेण जाति तां परिशङ्कसे।
परित्यजेमां शङ्कां तु यदि तेऽहं परीक्षिता ॥
नास्ति मे त्वय्यभिष्वङ्गो यथेष्टं गम्यतामितः ॥
I have no desire for you. You may go
from here wherever you like."
एवमुक्ता तु वैदेही परुष रोमहर्षणम् ।
शनैर्गद्गदया वाचा भर्तारमिदमब्रवीत् ॥
Being told such harsh words, making the
hair stand on end, Vaidehi said slowly and
in faltering accents to her lord :
किं मामसदृशं वाक्यम् ईदृशं श्रोत्रदारुणम् ।
रूक्षं श्रावयसे वीर प्राकृतः प्राकृतामिव ॥
O hero, why do you tell me such unbecom-
ing and harsh words, which are painful to
the ear, like a common man addressing
a common woman?
न तथाऽस्मि महाबाहो यथा त्वमवगच्छसि ।
प्रत्ययं गच्छ मे येन चारित्रेणैव ते शपे ॥
0 mighty-armed one, I am not as you
think me. Have belief in me, I swear to
you by my character.
पृथक् स्त्रीणां प्रचारेण जाति तां परिशङ्कसे।
परित्यजेमां शङ्कां तु यदि तेऽहं परीक्षिता ॥