2023-02-19 12:13:46 by ambuda-bot
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एष विग्रहवान् धर्म एष वीर्यवतां वरः ।
एष बुद्धयाऽधिको लोके तपसश्च परायणम् ॥
He (Visvamitra) is Dharma embodied and
the foremost of the valorous. He is the
foremost intellect in the world and is
the final abode of penance.
एषोऽस्त्रान् विविधान् वेत्ति त्रैलोक्ये सचराचरे ।
नैनमन्यः पुमान् वेत्ति न च वेत्स्यन्ति केचन ॥
He knows all the various weapons. No
other person knows him in all the three
worlds, animate and inanimate, nor will
any person ever know.
तेषां निग्रहणे शक्तः स्वयं च कुशिकात्मजः ।
तव पुत्रहितार्थाय त्वामुपेत्याभियाचते ॥
By himself, Kausika is indeed capable
of overpowering them (Rakshasas). For the
good of your son, he comes and begs
of you."
तथा वसिष्ठे ब्रुवति राजा दशरथः सुतम् ।
प्रहृष्टवदनो रामम् आजुहाव सलक्ष्मणम् ॥
When Vasishtha spoke
Dasaratha, with a happy countenance, sent for
his son Rama along with Lakshmana.
एष विग्रहवान् धर्म एष वीर्यवतां वरः ।
एष बुद्धयाऽधिको लोके तपसश्च परायणम् ॥
He (Visvamitra) is Dharma embodied and
the foremost of the valorous. He is the
foremost intellect in the world and is
the final abode of penance.
एषोऽस्त्रान् विविधान् वेत्ति त्रैलोक्ये सचराचरे ।
नैनमन्यः पुमान् वेत्ति न च वेत्स्यन्ति केचन ॥
He knows all the various weapons. No
other person knows him in all the three
worlds, animate and inanimate, nor will
any person ever know.
तेषां निग्रहणे शक्तः स्वयं च कुशिकात्मजः ।
तव पुत्रहितार्थाय त्वामुपेत्याभियाचते ॥
By himself, Kausika is indeed capable
of overpowering them (Rakshasas). For the
good of your son, he comes and begs
of you."
तथा वसिष्ठे ब्रुवति राजा दशरथः सुतम् ।
प्रहृष्टवदनो रामम् आजुहाव सलक्ष्मणम् ॥
When Vasishtha spoke
Dasaratha, with a happy countenance, sent for
his son Rama along with Lakshmana.