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O wicked one, by carrying away that
noble Sita who is superior to Arundhati
and even Rohini, an unworthy act has
been committed by you.
अवश्यमेव लभते फलं पापस्य कर्मणः ।
घोरं पर्यागते काले कर्ता नास्त्यत्र संशयः ॥
The doer of every sinful act necessarily
gets the terrible fruit thereof when the
proper time
round. There is
doubt of this.
शुभकृच्छु ममाप्नोति पापकृत् पापमश्नुते ।
विभीषणः सुख प्राप्तस्त्वं प्राप्तः पापमीदृशम् ॥
One who does good reaps good and one
who does evil reaps evil. Vibhishana has
won joy while you have reached this
wretched state.
न कुलेन न रूपेण न दाक्षियेन मैथिली ।
मयाऽधिका वा तुल्या वा त्वं तु मोहान्न बुध्यसे ॥
Neither by lineage, beauty nor sweet dis-
position, is Maithili my superior or even
my equal. But, on account
of your
infatuation you did not know it.