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निपपातान्तरिक्षाच्च पुष्पवृष्टिस्तदा भुवि ।
किरन्ती राघवरथं दुरवापा मनोहरा ॥
Then there fell a shower of flowers on
the earth covering up the chariot of Raghava,
shower which rarely descends and most
राघवस्तवसंयुक्ता गगने च विशुश्रुवे ।
साधु साध्विति वागग्र्या देवतानां महात्मनाम् ॥
Then the excellent words of the high-
souled gods, in praise of Rama, were also
heard in the sky saying 'well done',
'well done '.
आविवेश महान् हर्षो देवानां चारणैः सह ।
रावणे निहते रौद्रे सर्वलोकभयङ्करे ॥
The greatest joy took possession of the
gods and the charanas when the terrible
Ravana, the terror of all the worlds,
was killed.
भ्रातरं निहतं दृष्टी शयानं रामनिजितम् ।
शोक वेगपरीतात्मा विललाप विभीषणः ॥
Looking at his brother overpowered and
slain by Rama and lying prostrate, Vibhi-
shara limented ( bitter ly) with his soul seized
with sorrow.