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one, despair no more
on my account. Make good your promise
by killing Ravana to-day."
लक्ष्मणेन तु तद्वाक्यमुक्तं श्रुत्वा स राघवः ।
रावणाय शरान् घोरान् विससर्ज चमूमुखे ॥
Hearing these words spoken by
Lakshmana, Raghava let fly terrific arrows
against Ravana in the battle-front.
दशग्रीवो रथस्थस्तु रामं वजोपमैः शरैः ।
आजघान महाघोरैः धाराभिरिव तोयदः ॥
But Ravana seated in his car struck
Rama with highly terrific arrows like
thunderbolts even as a cloud pours forth
torrents (of rain).
भूमौ स्थितस्य रामस्य रथस्थस्य च रक्षसः ।
न समं युद्धमित्याहुः देवगन्धर्वदानवाः ॥
All the Gods, the Gandharvas and
the Danavas said then that the fight
was unequal between Rama standing on
the ground and the Rakshasa seated in
his chariot.