2023-02-19 12:14:38 by ambuda-bot
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one, despair no more
on my account. Make good your promise
by killing Ravana to-day."
लक्ष्मणेन तु तद्वाक्यमुक्तं श्रुत्वा स राघवः ।
रावणाय शरान् घोरान् विससर्ज चमूमुखे ॥
Hearing these words spoken by
Lakshmana, Raghava let fly terrific arrows
against Ravana in the battle-front.
दशग्रीवो रथस्थस्तु रामं वजोपमैः शरैः ।
आजघान महाघोरैः धाराभिरिव तोयदः ॥
But Ravana seated in his car struck
Rama with highly terrific arrows like
thunderbolts even as a cloud pours forth
torrents (of rain).
भूमौ स्थितस्य रामस्य रथस्थस्य च रक्षसः ।
न समं युद्धमित्याहुः देवगन्धर्वदानवाः ॥
All the Gods, the Gandharvas and
the Danavas said then that the fight
was unequal between Rama standing on
the ground and the Rakshasa seated in
his chariot.
one, despair no more
on my account. Make good your promise
by killing Ravana to-day."
लक्ष्मणेन तु तद्वाक्यमुक्तं श्रुत्वा स राघवः ।
रावणाय शरान् घोरान् विससर्ज चमूमुखे ॥
Hearing these words spoken by
Lakshmana, Raghava let fly terrific arrows
against Ravana in the battle-front.
दशग्रीवो रथस्थस्तु रामं वजोपमैः शरैः ।
आजघान महाघोरैः धाराभिरिव तोयदः ॥
But Ravana seated in his car struck
Rama with highly terrific arrows like
thunderbolts even as a cloud pours forth
torrents (of rain).
भूमौ स्थितस्य रामस्य रथस्थस्य च रक्षसः ।
न समं युद्धमित्याहुः देवगन्धर्वदानवाः ॥
All the Gods, the Gandharvas and
the Danavas said then that the fight
was unequal between Rama standing on
the ground and the Rakshasa seated in
his chariot.