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ततो रावणवेगेन सुदूरमवगाढया ।
शक्त्या निर्भिन्नहृदयः पपात भुवि लक्ष्मणः ॥
Then, with his heart pierced through by
the Sakti driving deep through the force
of Ravana, Lakshmana fell on the ground.
तदवस्थं समीपस्थो लक्ष्मणं प्रेक्ष्य राघवः ।
भ्रातृस्नेहान्महातेजा विषण्णहृदयोऽभवत् ॥
Looking at Lakshmana in that condition
the highly effulgent Raghava, who was
standing near, became sad at heart through
his brotherly love.
अयं स समरश्लाघी भ्राता मे शुभलक्षणः ।
यदि पञ्चत्वमापन्नः प्राणैर्मे किं सुखेन च ॥
"If this my brother, famous in battle and
of auspicious marks, is killed, of what use
is life to me or happiness?
न हि युद्धेन मे कार्य न प्राणैर्न च सीतया ॥
For I seek nothing any more through
fighting ; life is no use to me, nor is Sita.
देशे देशे कलत्राणि देशे देशे च बान्धवाः ।
तं तु देशं न पश्यामि यत्र भ्राता सहोदरः ॥