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मित्रभावेन संप्रीप्तं न त्यजेयं कथञ्चन ।
दोषो यद्यपि तस्य स्यात्
सतामेतदगर्हितम् ॥
"I will never forsake one who has
be any
come as a friend, even if there
evil intent in him. This is the course
approved by the good.
सुदुष्टो वाऽप्यदुष्टो वा किमेष रजनीचरः ।
सूक्ष्ममप्यहितं कर्तु ममाशक्तः कथञ्चन ॥
Whether he is highly wicked or not
at all wicked, this Rakshasa is incapable of
ever doing me the least harm.
आर्तो वा यदि वा हप्तः परेषां शरणागतः ।
अरिः प्राणान् परित्यज्य रक्षितव्यः कृतात्मना ॥
An enemy, distressed or proud, seeking
refuge of another, should be protected by
one who is resolute in the discharge of
duty, even at the risk of one's life.
सकृदेव प्रपन्नाय तवास्मीति च याचते ।
अभयं सर्वभूतेभ्यो ददाम्येतद्वैतं मम ॥