2023-02-19 12:14:31 by ambuda-bot
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" Janaka's blameless daughter has been
found,-kept in the middle of the Asoka
wood and being guarded by highly terrific
Rakshasa women.
सा प्रकृत्यैव तन्वङ्गो तद्वियोगाच्च कर्शिता ।
प्रतिपत्पाठशीलस्य विद्येव तनुतां गता ॥
She, lean already by nature, is now
emaciated on account of exile like the
learning of one who ia addicted to study
on pratipad (the first day of the lunar
fortnight. )
प्रीतिमन्तस्ततः सर्वे वायुपुत्रपुरस्सराः ।
महेन्द्राद्रि परित्यज्य पुलुवुः प्लवगर्पभाः ॥
Then all the mighty monkeys with the
son of Vayu] at their head, being highly
pleased, leapt over the sky, leaving the
Mahendra mountain behind.
प्लवमानाः खमुत्पत्य ततस्ते काननौकसः ।
निपेतुर्हरिराजस्य समीपे राघवस्य च ॥
Ascending the sky and jumping through,
all the monkeys came
down to the
ground in the vicinity of the king of the
monkeys and of Raghava.
" Janaka's blameless daughter has been
found,-kept in the middle of the Asoka
wood and being guarded by highly terrific
Rakshasa women.
सा प्रकृत्यैव तन्वङ्गो तद्वियोगाच्च कर्शिता ।
प्रतिपत्पाठशीलस्य विद्येव तनुतां गता ॥
She, lean already by nature, is now
emaciated on account of exile like the
learning of one who ia addicted to study
on pratipad (the first day of the lunar
fortnight. )
प्रीतिमन्तस्ततः सर्वे वायुपुत्रपुरस्सराः ।
महेन्द्राद्रि परित्यज्य पुलुवुः प्लवगर्पभाः ॥
Then all the mighty monkeys with the
son of Vayu] at their head, being highly
pleased, leapt over the sky, leaving the
Mahendra mountain behind.
प्लवमानाः खमुत्पत्य ततस्ते काननौकसः ।
निपेतुर्हरिराजस्य समीपे राघवस्य च ॥
Ascending the sky and jumping through,
all the monkeys came
down to the
ground in the vicinity of the king of the
monkeys and of Raghava.