2023-02-19 12:14:31 by ambuda-bot
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तं समीक्ष्य महासत्त्वं सत्त्ववान् हरिसत्तमः ।
वाक्यमर्थवदव्यग्रस्तमुवाच दशाननम् ॥
Looking at the strong and highly power-
ful ten-faced Ravana, Hanuman, the mighty
monkey-chief, spoke these weighty words
in an unperturbed manner :
अहं तु हनुमान् नाम मारुतस्यौरसः सुतः ॥
सीतायास्तु कृते तूर्ण शतयोजनमायतम् ।
समुद्रं लङ्घयित्वैव तां दिदृक्षुरिहागतः ॥
भ्रमता च मया दृष्टा गृहे ते जनकात्मजा ॥
"I am the direct son of Vayu, Hanuman
is my name. On account of Sita, I
crossed quickly the ocean which extends
a hundred yojanas and have come here to
see her. And going through your house,
I have seen the daughter of Janaka.
तद्भवान् दृष्टधर्मार्थस्तपःकृतपरिग्रहः ।
परदारान् महाप्राज्ञ नोपरोद्धुं त्वमर्हसि ॥
Therefore, O highly wise one, you, who
have realised the essence of dharma, and
who have made great acquisitions through
penance, should not keep in captivity the
wives of other people.
तं समीक्ष्य महासत्त्वं सत्त्ववान् हरिसत्तमः ।
वाक्यमर्थवदव्यग्रस्तमुवाच दशाननम् ॥
Looking at the strong and highly power-
ful ten-faced Ravana, Hanuman, the mighty
monkey-chief, spoke these weighty words
in an unperturbed manner :
अहं तु हनुमान् नाम मारुतस्यौरसः सुतः ॥
सीतायास्तु कृते तूर्ण शतयोजनमायतम् ।
समुद्रं लङ्घयित्वैव तां दिदृक्षुरिहागतः ॥
भ्रमता च मया दृष्टा गृहे ते जनकात्मजा ॥
"I am the direct son of Vayu, Hanuman
is my name. On account of Sita, I
crossed quickly the ocean which extends
a hundred yojanas and have come here to
see her. And going through your house,
I have seen the daughter of Janaka.
तद्भवान् दृष्टधर्मार्थस्तपःकृतपरिग्रहः ।
परदारान् महाप्राज्ञ नोपरोद्धुं त्वमर्हसि ॥
Therefore, O highly wise one, you, who
have realised the essence of dharma, and
who have made great acquisitions through
penance, should not keep in captivity the
wives of other people.