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तं समीक्ष्य महासत्त्वं सत्त्ववान् हरिसत्तमः ।
वाक्यमर्थवदव्यग्रस्तमुवाच दशाननम् ॥
Looking at the strong and highly power-
ful ten-faced Ravana, Hanuman, the mighty
monkey-chief, spoke these weighty words
in an unperturbed manner :
अहं तु हनुमान् नाम मारुतस्यौरसः सुतः ॥
सीतायास्तु कृते तूर्ण शतयोजनमायतम् ।
समुद्रं लङ्घयित्वैव तां दिदृक्षुरिहागतः ॥
भ्रमता च मया दृष्टा गृहे ते जनकात्मजा ॥
"I am the direct son of Vayu, Hanuman
is my name. On account of Sita, I
crossed quickly the ocean which extends
a hundred yojanas and have come here to
see her. And going through your house,
I have seen the daughter of Janaka.
तद्भवान् दृष्टधर्मार्थस्तपःकृतपरिग्रहः ।
परदारान् महाप्राज्ञ नोपरोद्धुं त्वमर्हसि ॥
Therefore, O highly wise one, you, who
have realised the essence of dharma, and
who have made great acquisitions through
penance, should not keep in captivity the
wives of other people.