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न तत्र कश्चिदुद्देशो यस्तेन न विनाशितः ।
यत्र सा जानकी सीता न स तेन विनाशितः ॥
There is no space in it that has not been
destroyed by him. Only that place where
Janaki is, has not been destroyed by him.
जानकीरक्षणार्थं वा श्रमाद्वा नोपलक्ष्यते ॥
It is not known whether it was for the
sake of protecting Janaki or the monkey
was too much fatigued."
राक्षसीनां वचः श्रुत्वा रावणो राक्षसेश्वरः ।
आत्मनः सदृशान् शूरान् किंकरान् नाम राक्षसान्॥
व्यादिदेश महातेजा निग्रहार्थं हनूमतः ॥
Hearing the words of the Rakshasa
women, Ravana, the lord of Rakshasas and
possessed of great effulgence, ordered the
Rakshasas called Kinkaras who were equal
to him in valour, to catch Hanuman.
ते गदाभिर्विचित्राभिः परिघैः काञ्चनादैः ।
आजघ्नुर्वानरश्रेष्ठं शरैश्चादित्य संनिभैः ॥
Equipred with variegated maces, blud-
geons, golden angadas and arrows blazing
like the sun, they attacked the best
of monkeys.