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न त्वामिहस्थां जानीते रामः कमललोचने ।
तेन त्वां नानयत्याशु शचीमिव पुरन्दरः ॥
"O lotus-eyed one,
know that you are here.
has not taken you away
did his queen Sachi.
श्रुत्वैव तु वचो मह्यं क्षिप्रमेष्यति राघवः ।
चमूं प्रकर्षन महतीं हर्यक्षगणसंकुलाम् ॥
Immediately on
my words,
Raghava will come here quickly, leading
a large army of monkeys and bears.
विष्टम्भयित्वा बाणौघैरक्षोभ्यं वरुणालयम् ।
करिष्यति पुरीं लङ्कां काकुत्स्थः शान्तराक्षसाम्॥
Causing the imperturbable ocean to be
still (by means of a bridge) Rama
(Kakutstha) will make the city of Lanka
devoid of Rakshasas by means of his
terrible arrows.
Rama does not
That is why he
quickly as Indra
तवादर्शन जेनार्ये शोकेन स परिप्लुतः ।
न शर्म लभते रामः सिंहार्दित इव द्विपः ॥
O noble lady, worried with griet on
account of not seeing you, Rama does
not get any peace of mind like an
elephant smitten by a lion.