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Taking the ornament of her husband's
hand and looking at it, Janaki became
delighted as if she had actually got her
ततः सा ह्रीमती बाला भर्तृसन्देशहर्षिता ।
परितुष्टा प्रियं कृत्वा प्रशशंस महाकपिम् ॥
Then that modest young lady, delighted
at the message from her husband, welcomed
the great monkey Hanuman with affection
and praised him :
विक्रान्तस्त्वं समर्थस्त्वं प्राशस्त्वं वानरोत्तम ।
येनेदं राक्षसपदं त्वयैकेन प्रधर्षितम् ॥
" O best of monkeys, you are valorous,
clever and wise in that singlehanded you
have attacked this abode of the Rakshasas.
दिष्टया स कुशली रामो धर्मात्मा सत्यसङ्गरः ।
लक्ष्मणश्च महातेजाः सुमित्रानन्दवर्धनः ॥
By my good luck, is the righteous-
minded and truthful Rama in good health
and Lakshmana of great effulgence and the
promoter of the joy of Sumitra ?
कुशली यदि काकुत्स्थः किं न सागरमेखलाम् ।
महीं दहति कोपेन युग दाग्निखिोत्थितः ॥