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acquisition and bountiful distribution. He
knows the time and place for everything
and is pleasant spoken to all.
भ्राताऽपि तस्य द्वैमात्रः सौमित्रिरपराजितः ।
अनुरागेण रूपेण गुणैश्चैव तथाविधः ॥
He has by his step-mother Sumitra, a
brother who is
unconquerable. He is
exactly like him ( Rama ) in affection, beauty
of form and virtuous qualities.
तावुभौ नरशार्दूलौ त्वदर्शनसमुत्सुकौ ।
विचिन्वन्तौ महीं कृत्स्नाम् अस्माभिरभिसङ्गतौ ॥
Those two best of men, who are eager
to see you, and who have been searching
for you throughout the earth, came into
contact with us.
ततस्त्वन्नाशजं शोकं रामस्याक्लिष्टकर्मणः ।
लक्ष्मणो वानरेन्द्राय सुग्रीवाय न्यवेदयत् ॥
Then Lakshmana explained to Sugriva,
the king of the monkeys, the sorrow of
Rama of benign deeds due to your loss.
ततस्त्वद्द्वात्रशोभीनि रक्षसा हियमाणया ।
यान्याभरणजालानि पातितानि महीतले ।
तानि रामाय दत्तानि मयैवोपहृतानि च ॥