2023-02-19 12:14:27 by ambuda-bot
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approached Sita and saluted her with
folded hands placed on his head and told
her in a sweet voice :
का त्वं भवसि कल्याणि त्वमनिन्दितलोचने ॥
"O auspicious Lady, who are you,
of lovely eyes ?
महिषी भूमिपालस्य राजकन्याऽसि मे मता ॥
It is my belief that you are a princess
and the queen of a king.
रावणेन जनस्थानाद्वलादपहृता यदि ।
सीता त्वमसि भद्रं ते तन्ममाचक्ष्व पृच्छतः ॥
If you are the person who was carried
away forcibly from Janasthana by Ravana,
Good betide you.
are indeed Sita.
Tell me who ask you.
यथा हि तव वै दैन्यं रूपं चाप्यतिमानुषम् ।
तपसा चान्वितो वेषस्त्वं राममहिषी ध्रुवम् ॥
From your wretched condition, super-
human beauty and ascetic garb, you are
surely the queen of Rama."
सा तस्य वचनं श्रुत्वा रामकीर्तनहर्षिता ।
उवाच वाक्यं वैदेही हनुमन्तं द्रुमाश्रितम् ॥
approached Sita and saluted her with
folded hands placed on his head and told
her in a sweet voice :
का त्वं भवसि कल्याणि त्वमनिन्दितलोचने ॥
"O auspicious Lady, who are you,
of lovely eyes ?
महिषी भूमिपालस्य राजकन्याऽसि मे मता ॥
It is my belief that you are a princess
and the queen of a king.
रावणेन जनस्थानाद्वलादपहृता यदि ।
सीता त्वमसि भद्रं ते तन्ममाचक्ष्व पृच्छतः ॥
If you are the person who was carried
away forcibly from Janasthana by Ravana,
Good betide you.
are indeed Sita.
Tell me who ask you.
यथा हि तव वै दैन्यं रूपं चाप्यतिमानुषम् ।
तपसा चान्वितो वेषस्त्वं राममहिषी ध्रुवम् ॥
From your wretched condition, super-
human beauty and ascetic garb, you are
surely the queen of Rama."
सा तस्य वचनं श्रुत्वा रामकीर्तनहर्षिता ।
उवाच वाक्यं वैदेही हनुमन्तं द्रुमाश्रितम् ॥