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एवं सीतां तदा दृष्ट्वा हृष्टः पवनसंभवः ।
जगाम मनसा रामं प्रशशंस च तं प्रभुम् ॥
Thus, the son of Vayu, delighted at
seeing Sita there, thought of Rama in his
mind and praised his master.
स मुहूर्तमिव ध्यात्वा बाष्पपर्याकुलेक्षणः ।
सीतामाश्रित्य तेजस्वी हनुमान् विललाप ह ॥
Thinking for a while with eyes full of
tears, the effulgent Hanuman lamented
the fate of Sita.
मान्या गुरुविनीतस्य लक्ष्मणस्य गुरुप्रिया ।
यदि सीताऽपि दुःखार्ता कालो हि दुरतिक्रमः ॥
"If even Sita, ever devoted to her elders
and worshipped by Lakshmana devoted
to his brother, is afflicted with grief, indeed
fate is invincible.
रामस्य व्यवसायज्ञा लक्ष्मणस्य च धीमतः ।
नात्यर्थ क्षुभ्यते देवी गङ्गेव जलदागमे ॥
The noble Sita, knowing the resoluteness
of Rama and of the wise Lakshmana,
does not agitate herself too much like
the Ganges or the approach of the
rainy season.