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व्रीडितां दुःखसंतप्तां परिम्लानां तपस्विनीम् ।
ग्रहेणाङ्गारकेणेव पीडितामिव रोहिणीम् ॥
who was
shrinking, anguished, fading
and of emaciated body, depressed and
pitiable like the Rohini star overpowered
by the planet Mars;
अश्रुपूर्णमुखीं दीनां कृशामनशनेन च ।
शोकध्यानपरां दीनां नित्यं दुःखपरायणाम् ॥
who was miserable with a face full of
tears, emaciated on account of want of
nourishment, always meditating on her own
grief and being wholly absorbed in it.
तस्य सन्दिदिहे बुद्धिर्मुहुः सीतां निरीक्ष्य तु ।
आम्नायानमयोगेन विद्यां प्रशिथिलामिव ॥
His mind still wavered, though he
repeatedly looked at her, who was like
learning divorced from practice.
दुःखेन बुबुधे सीतां हनुमाननलंकृतम् ।
संस्कारेण यथा हीनां वाचमर्थान्तरं गताम् ॥
As she was without ornament, Hanuman
made her out with difficulty, like speech