2023-02-19 12:14:23 by ambuda-bot
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Being thus addressed by Hanuman, the
wise Raghava, vanquisher of powerful
enemies and well versed in speech, replied
thus to Hanuman :
सुसमृद्धां गुहां रम्यां सुग्रीवो वानरर्षभः ।
प्रविष्टो विधिवद्वीरः क्षिप्रं राज्येऽभिषिच्यताम् ॥
"Let the heroic Sugriva, the foremost of
monkeys, enter this prosperous and pleasant
cave and be installed quickly, according
to rites, in his sovereignty."
एवमुक्त्वा हनूमन्तं रामः सुग्रीवमब्रवीत् ॥
Having told Hanuman thus, Rama said
to Sugriva :
इममप्यङ्गदं वीर यौवराज्येऽभिषेचय ॥
"O hero, instal as Yuvaraja this Angada.
ज्येष्ठस्य स सुतो ज्येष्ठः सदृशो विक्रमेण ते ।
अङ्गदोऽयमदीनात्मा यौवराज्यस्य भाजनम् ॥
He is the eldest son of your elder
brother. He is equal to you in prowess.
This Angada of heroic spirit is indeed
worthy of being Yuvaraja.
Being thus addressed by Hanuman, the
wise Raghava, vanquisher of powerful
enemies and well versed in speech, replied
thus to Hanuman :
सुसमृद्धां गुहां रम्यां सुग्रीवो वानरर्षभः ।
प्रविष्टो विधिवद्वीरः क्षिप्रं राज्येऽभिषिच्यताम् ॥
"Let the heroic Sugriva, the foremost of
monkeys, enter this prosperous and pleasant
cave and be installed quickly, according
to rites, in his sovereignty."
एवमुक्त्वा हनूमन्तं रामः सुग्रीवमब्रवीत् ॥
Having told Hanuman thus, Rama said
to Sugriva :
इममप्यङ्गदं वीर यौवराज्येऽभिषेचय ॥
"O hero, instal as Yuvaraja this Angada.
ज्येष्ठस्य स सुतो ज्येष्ठः सदृशो विक्रमेण ते ।
अङ्गदोऽयमदीनात्मा यौवराज्यस्य भाजनम् ॥
He is the eldest son of your elder
brother. He is equal to you in prowess.
This Angada of heroic spirit is indeed
worthy of being Yuvaraja.