2023-02-19 12:14:22 by ambuda-bot
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O Raghava, it does not behove you to
blame me for any impropriety or harshness
which was already spoken by me through
त्वं हि दृष्टार्थतत्त्वज्ञः प्रजानां च हिते रतः ।
कार्यकारणसिद्धौ ते प्रसन्ना बुद्धिरव्यया ॥
For you are well-versed in the practice
of truth and devoted to the welfare of
the subjects. In finding out causes and
effects (in detecting crime and ordering
adequate punishment) your discernment is
indeed clear and unerring.
सुग्रीवे चाङ्गदे चैव विधत्स्व मतिमुत्तमाम् ।
त्वं हि शास्ता च गोप्ता च कार्याकार्यविधौ स्थितः ॥
Bestow your best concern on Sugriva
and Angada. Knowing as you do
what should be done and what ought not to
be done, you are their chastiser as well as
their protector.
या ते नरपते वृत्तिर्मरते लक्ष्मणे च या ।
सुग्रीचे चाङ्गदे राजंस्तां त्वमाधातुमर्हसि ॥
O Raghava, it does not behove you to
blame me for any impropriety or harshness
which was already spoken by me through
त्वं हि दृष्टार्थतत्त्वज्ञः प्रजानां च हिते रतः ।
कार्यकारणसिद्धौ ते प्रसन्ना बुद्धिरव्यया ॥
For you are well-versed in the practice
of truth and devoted to the welfare of
the subjects. In finding out causes and
effects (in detecting crime and ordering
adequate punishment) your discernment is
indeed clear and unerring.
सुग्रीवे चाङ्गदे चैव विधत्स्व मतिमुत्तमाम् ।
त्वं हि शास्ता च गोप्ता च कार्याकार्यविधौ स्थितः ॥
Bestow your best concern on Sugriva
and Angada. Knowing as you do
what should be done and what ought not to
be done, you are their chastiser as well as
their protector.
या ते नरपते वृत्तिर्मरते लक्ष्मणे च या ।
सुग्रीचे चाङ्गदे राजंस्तां त्वमाधातुमर्हसि ॥