2023-02-19 12:14:20 by ambuda-bot
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दमः शमः क्षमा धर्मो धृतिः सत्यं पराक्रमः #1
पार्थिवानां गुणा राजन् दण्डश्चाप्यपराधिषु ॥
O king, punishment, control of passions,
forgiveness, piety, firmness, truth, prowess
and chastisement of the guilty-these are
royal virtues.
युक्तं यत्प्राप्नुयाद्राज्यं सुग्रीवः स्वर्गते मयि ।
अयुक्तं यदधर्मेण त्वयाऽहं निहतो रणे ॥
It is natural (for Sugriva to fight me) for
he would get the kingdom when I am dead.
That I have been killed in battle by
you by improper means is against nature.
काममेवंविधो लोकः कालेन विनियुज्यते ।
क्षमं चेद्भवता प्राप्तमुत्तरं साधु चिन्त्यताम् ॥
Every creature meets with his end this
way ; let it be.
If your deed was honourable,
think well of an answer.
अधिक्षिप्तस्तदा रामः पश्चाद्वालिनमब्रवीत् ॥
Rebuked thus, Rama replied to Vali,
anon :
दमः शमः क्षमा धर्मो धृतिः सत्यं पराक्रमः #1
पार्थिवानां गुणा राजन् दण्डश्चाप्यपराधिषु ॥
O king, punishment, control of passions,
forgiveness, piety, firmness, truth, prowess
and chastisement of the guilty-these are
royal virtues.
युक्तं यत्प्राप्नुयाद्राज्यं सुग्रीवः स्वर्गते मयि ।
अयुक्तं यदधर्मेण त्वयाऽहं निहतो रणे ॥
It is natural (for Sugriva to fight me) for
he would get the kingdom when I am dead.
That I have been killed in battle by
you by improper means is against nature.
काममेवंविधो लोकः कालेन विनियुज्यते ।
क्षमं चेद्भवता प्राप्तमुत्तरं साधु चिन्त्यताम् ॥
Every creature meets with his end this
way ; let it be.
If your deed was honourable,
think well of an answer.
अधिक्षिप्तस्तदा रामः पश्चाद्वालिनमब्रवीत् ॥
Rebuked thus, Rama replied to Vali,
anon :