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A righteous-minded and heroic leader
of monkeys, Sugriva by name, wanders
about the world, in distress, having been
deceived by his brother.
प्राप्तोऽहं प्रेषितस्तेन सुग्रीवेण महात्मना ।
राशा वानरमुख्यानां हनूमान् नाम वानरः ॥
A monkey of the name of Hanuman, I
am come to you, being sent by the high-
souled Sugriva, the king of the most
famous monkeys.
युवाभ्यां सह धर्मात्मा सुग्रीवः सख्यमिच्छति ।
तस्य मां सचिवं वित्तं वानरं पवनात्मजम् ॥
The righteous-minded Sugriva desires
friendship with you two. Know me the
son of Vayu to be his minister."
एतच्छ्रुत्वा वचस्तस्य रामो लक्ष्मणमत्रीत् ॥
Hearing these words of his (Hanuman's),
Rama said to Lakshmana :
सचिवोऽयं कपीन्द्रस्य सुग्रीवस्य महात्मनः ।
तमेव का माणस्य ममान्तिकमुपागतः ॥
"This is the minister of the high-souled
Sugriva, the king of monkeys. He has
come to me who was desirous of seeing him.