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त्वद्विधा बुद्धिसंपन्ना महात्मानो नरर्षभ ।.
आपत्सु न प्रकम्पन्ते वायुवेगैरिवाचलाः ॥
O best of men, high-souled and wise
men like you are not shaken in danger
like mountains by the force of the wind."
इत्युक्तस्तद्वनं सर्वे विचचार सलक्ष्मणः ।
क्रुद्धो रामः शरं घोरं सन्धाय धनुषि क्षुरम् ॥
Being spoken to in this manner, Rama
became angry and fixing a sharp and deadly
arrow in his bow, wandered all over the
forest with Lakshmana.
ततः पर्वतकूटाभं महाभागं द्विजोत्तमम् ।
ददर्श पतितं भूमौ क्षतजार्द्र जटायुषम् ॥
Then he saw fallen on the ground the
blessed Jatayu, best of birds,
of birds, drenched
with blood and looking like a mountain
अभ्यभाषत पक्षी तु रामं दशरथात्मजम् ॥
And the bird spoke to Rama, the son,
of Dasaratha :
यामोषधिमिवायुष्मन्नन्वेषसि महावने ।
सा देवी मम च प्राणा रावणेनोभयं हृतम् ॥