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Then Ravana entered the city of Lanka
carrying the struggling Sita on his lap,
who was his death in bodily form.
राक्षसं मृगरूपेण चरन्तं कामरूपिणम् ।
निहत्य रामो मारीचं तूर्ण पथि निवर्तते ॥
After killing the Rakshasa Maricha who
could assume any shape at will and who
was then moving about as a deer, Rama
returned hastily along the path.
ततोऽविदूरे रामेण समीयाय स लक्ष्मणः ।
संजगर्हेऽथ तं भ्राता ज्येष्ठो लक्ष्मणमागतम् ॥
Within a short distance, Lakshmana met
with Rama, The eldest brother Rama
took to task Lakshmana who had come.
न हि ते परितुष्यामि त्यक्ता यद्यासि मैथिलीम् ।
सर्वथा त्वपनीतं ते नाकरी: शासनं मम ॥
अपि क्षेमं नु सीताया इति वै व्याजहार च ॥
"I am not pleased with you in that you
have come leaving Sita alone. `In any
case, a fault has been committed by you
in that you have disobeyed my order. "
And he added : " Is it well indeed
with Sita " ?