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The sleeping Jatayu heard that sound
and looking out at once, saw Ravana,
and Sita also.
वनस्पतिगतः श्रीमान् व्याजहार शुभां गिरम् ॥
From the big tree, the blessed Jatayu
spoke these noble words:
न हि मे जीवमानस्य नयिष्यसि शुभामिमाम् ।
सीतां कमलपत्राक्षों रामस्य महिषीं प्रियाम् ॥
Whilst I am alive, you cannot carry
away this noble Sita, of eyes like the lotus
leaf and the beloved queen of Rama.
युद्धातिय्यं प्रदास्यामि यथाप्राणं निशाचर ॥
O nightly prowler, I will give you the
hospitality of battle with all my strength."
तद्वभूवाद्भुतं युद्धं गृध्रराक्षसयोस्तदा ॥
Then ensued a marvellous fight between
the vulture and the Rakshasa.
तस्य व्यायच्छमानस्य रामस्यार्थे स रावणः ।
पक्षौ पाश्र्वौ च पादौ च खड्गमुद्धृत्य सोऽच्छिनत् ॥
Ravana drew his sword and cut off the
two wings, the two sides and the two
legs of that vulture who was exerting
himself for the sake of Rama.