2023-02-19 12:14:16 by ambuda-bot
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तथा परुषमुक्तस्तु कुपितो राधवानुरू: ।
स विकाङ्क्षन् भृशं रामं प्रतस्थे न चिरादिव ॥
Being thus spoken to harshly, and being
eager to see Rama quickly, the enraged
younger brother of Raghava set out
without delay.
तदासाद्य दशग्रीवः क्षिप्रमन्तरमास्थितः ।
परिव्राजकरूपेण वैदेहीं समुपागमत् ॥
Quickly availing himself of the opportunity,
Ravana approached Sita in the garb of
a mendicant ascetic :
का त्वं काञ्चनवर्णाभे पीतकौशेयवासिनि ।
ही: कीर्तिश्रीशुभा लक्ष्मीरप्सरा वा शुभानने ।
भूतिर्वा त्व वरारोहे रतिर्वा स्वैरचारिणी ॥
"O you shining with the lustre of gold,
and wearing yellow, silken cloth, who
are you?— the goddess of
of Fame, or of Prosperity,
Apsaras, O beautiful-
beautiful-waisted one, are
you the goddess of Dignity or Rati herself
wandering at will?
Lakshmi, or an
faced one ? O
तथा परुषमुक्तस्तु कुपितो राधवानुरू: ।
स विकाङ्क्षन् भृशं रामं प्रतस्थे न चिरादिव ॥
Being thus spoken to harshly, and being
eager to see Rama quickly, the enraged
younger brother of Raghava set out
without delay.
तदासाद्य दशग्रीवः क्षिप्रमन्तरमास्थितः ।
परिव्राजकरूपेण वैदेहीं समुपागमत् ॥
Quickly availing himself of the opportunity,
Ravana approached Sita in the garb of
a mendicant ascetic :
का त्वं काञ्चनवर्णाभे पीतकौशेयवासिनि ।
ही: कीर्तिश्रीशुभा लक्ष्मीरप्सरा वा शुभानने ।
भूतिर्वा त्व वरारोहे रतिर्वा स्वैरचारिणी ॥
"O you shining with the lustre of gold,
and wearing yellow, silken cloth, who
are you?— the goddess of
of Fame, or of Prosperity,
Apsaras, O beautiful-
beautiful-waisted one, are
you the goddess of Dignity or Rati herself
wandering at will?
Lakshmi, or an
faced one ? O