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Being told these harsh words that made
his hair stand on end, Lakshmana with
folded hands and fully controlling his
feelings, spoke to Sita:
उत्तरं नोत्सहे वक्तुं दैवतं भवती मम ॥
"I am unable to utter a reply. You are
indeed a goddess to me.
वाक्यमप्रतिरूपं तु न चित्रं स्त्रीषु मैथिलि ।
स्वभावस्त्वेष नारीणामेवं लोकेषु दृश्यते ॥
Indeed, improper speech is not surprising
in women, O Maithili. This is the nature
women. It is thus observed in
the world.
विमुक्तधर्माश्चपलास्तीक्ष्णा भेदकराः स्त्रियः ।
न सहे हीदृशं वाक्यं वैदेहि जनकात्मजे ।
श्रोत्रयोरुभयोऽद्य तप्तनाराचसंनिभम् ॥
Women are unrighteous, unstable and
cruel and fomenters of dissensions. O Sita,
daughter of Janaka, I cannot indeed
bear such words which
are like molten
lead in my ears."