2023-02-19 12:14:15 by ambuda-bot
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स रावणवचः श्रुत्वा मारीचां राक्षसस्तदा ।
मृगो भूत्वाऽऽश्रमद्वारि रामस्य विचचार ह ॥
Then on nearing the words of Ravana, the
Rakshasa Maricha became a deer and
wandered about near the door of Rama's
सा तं संप्रेक्ष्य सुश्रोणी कुसुमान्यपचिन्वती ।
हैमराजतवर्णाभ्यां पाश्र्वाभ्यामुपशोभितम् ।
भर्तारमभिचक्रन्द लक्ष्मणं चापि सायुधम् ॥
Seeing that animal resplendent on both
sides with the colours of silver and gold,
Sita of beautiful hips, who was gathering
flowers, called out to her husband and
also to the armed Lakshmana.
तयाऽऽहूतौ नरव्याघ्रौ तदा दहशतुर्मृगम् ।
शङ्कमानस्तु तं दृष्ट्टा लक्ष्मणो वाक्यमत्रीत् ॥
The two foremost of men, being called
by ber, then saw the deer. Lakshmana
who had a misgiving on seeing it,
spoke these words :
तमेवैनमहं मन्ये मारीचं राक्षसं मृगम् ।
मृगो ह्येवंविधो रत्नविचित्रो नास्ति राघव ।
जगत्यां जगतीनाथ मायैषा हि न संशयः ॥
स रावणवचः श्रुत्वा मारीचां राक्षसस्तदा ।
मृगो भूत्वाऽऽश्रमद्वारि रामस्य विचचार ह ॥
Then on nearing the words of Ravana, the
Rakshasa Maricha became a deer and
wandered about near the door of Rama's
सा तं संप्रेक्ष्य सुश्रोणी कुसुमान्यपचिन्वती ।
हैमराजतवर्णाभ्यां पाश्र्वाभ्यामुपशोभितम् ।
भर्तारमभिचक्रन्द लक्ष्मणं चापि सायुधम् ॥
Seeing that animal resplendent on both
sides with the colours of silver and gold,
Sita of beautiful hips, who was gathering
flowers, called out to her husband and
also to the armed Lakshmana.
तयाऽऽहूतौ नरव्याघ्रौ तदा दहशतुर्मृगम् ।
शङ्कमानस्तु तं दृष्ट्टा लक्ष्मणो वाक्यमत्रीत् ॥
The two foremost of men, being called
by ber, then saw the deer. Lakshmana
who had a misgiving on seeing it,
spoke these words :
तमेवैनमहं मन्ये मारीचं राक्षसं मृगम् ।
मृगो ह्येवंविधो रत्नविचित्रो नास्ति राघव ।
जगत्यां जगतीनाथ मायैषा हि न संशयः ॥