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साभ्यामुभाभ्यां संभूय प्रमदामधिकृत्य ताम् ।
इमामवस्थां नीताऽहं यथाऽनाथाऽसती तथा ॥
It is on
account of that damsel that
have been brought to this state by tho se
two together as if I were a wanton without
a protector.
तस्याश्चानृजुवृत्तायास्तयाश्च हतयारहः ।
सफेनं पातुमिच्छामि रुधिरं रणमूर्धनि ॥
I desire to drink the foaming blood of
that bad woman and of those two men
killed on the field of battle.
अवष्टब्धधनुं रामं क्रुद्धं च रिपुघातिनम् ।
ददर्शाश्रममागम्य खरस्सह पुरस्सरैः ॥
Coming to the hermitage along with his
retinue, Khara saw the angry Rama,
the killer of his enemies, holding his bow.
ततस्तं भीमधन्वानं क्रुद्धास्सर्वे निशाचराः ।
रामं नानाविधैइशस्त्रैरभ्यवर्षन्त दुर्जयम् ॥
Then all the demons, being angry, rained
down various kinds of weapons on Rama,
the unconquerable, the wearer of the
terrible bow.