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Knowing him to be the friend of his
father, Raghava honoured him.
स तस्य कुलमव्यग्रम् अथ पप्रच्छ नाम च ॥
Then he (Rama ) asked him gently, his
name and his family.
आचचक्षे द्विजस्तस्मै कुलमात्मानमेव च ।
जटायुरिति मां विद्धि श्येनीपुत्रमरिन्दम ॥
The bird informed him of his family
and himself (thus) : "O vanquisher of foes,
know me to be Jatayu, the son of Syeni."
ततः पञ्चवीं गत्वा रामः सौमित्रिमब्रवीत् ॥
Then, on reaching Panchavati, Rama said
to Lakshmana :
अयं देशः समः श्रीमान् पुष्पितैस्तरुभिर्वृतः ।
इहाश्रमपदं सौम्य यथावत् कर्तुमर्हसि ॥
"This place is level, fertile and
surrounded by flowering trees. O gentle
one, do you therefore construct our
hermitage here in proper style.
इयं गोदावरी रम्या चक्रवाकोपशोभिता ।
इह वत्स्यामि सौमित्रे सार्धमेतेन पक्षिणा ॥