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तृतीयं यदिदं रौद्रं परप्राणाभिहिंसनम् ।
निर्वैरं क्रियते मोहात् तच्च ते समुपस्थितम् ॥

The third is about to happen to you-
the thoughtless and cruel killing of
creatures without enmity.
अग्निसंयोगवद्धेतुः शस्त्रसंयोग उच्यते ।
स्नेहाच्च बहुमानाच्च स्मारये त्वां न शिक्षये ॥
They say contact with a
weapon is the
cause of change (in the nature of the
wearer) as contact with fire is the cause
of a change ( in the nature of a substance.)
Because of my love (for you) and your
regard (for me ) I remind you, but do not
teach you.
न कथञ्चन सा कार्या गृहीतधनुषा त्वया ।
बुद्धिर्वैरं विना हन्तुं राक्षसान् दण्डकाश्रितान् ॥
Under no circumstances should a
resolution be made by you, wielder of a
bow, to kill the Rakshasas dwelling in
Dandaka without provocation.
क्षत्रियाणां तु वीराणां वनेषु निरतात्मनाम् ।
धनुषा कार्यमेतावदार्तानामभिरक्षणम् ॥