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of being done though it looks worthy, and
is not beneficial to me though it looks full
of benefit.
सत्यमेवानृशंसं च राजवृत्तं सनातनम् ।
तस्मात्सत्यात्मकं राज्यं सत्ये लोकः प्रतिष्ठितः ॥
The principle of a king, of the nature
of Pity, has through eternity been Truth.
Therefore it is that sovereignty is Truth
itself ; and the world too is founded
on Truth.
सोऽहं पितुर्नियोगं तु किमर्थं नानुपालये ।
सत्यप्रतिथवस्सत्यं सत्येन समयीकृतः ॥
Why then shall I, knowing these things,
not fulfil my father's command? He was
truthful and righteous. For truth's sake
I have been enjoined to fulfil the truth.
क्रुद्धमाशाय रामं तु वसिष्ठः प्रत्युवाच ह ॥
Knowing Rama to have been enraged,
Vasishtha replied him thus:
जाबालिरपि जानीते लोकस्यास्य गतागतिम् ।
निवर्तयितुकामस्तु त्वामेतद्वाक्यमुक्तवान् ॥
"Jabali also knows where beings go
to from this world and how they return