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All these subjects and the widowed
mothers have come to you. You must be
gracious to them.
सान्त्विता मामिका माता दत्तं राज्यमिदं मम ।
तद्ददामि तवैवाहं भुङ्क्ष्व राज्यमकण्टकम् ॥
My mother was appeased and this king-
dom given to me. I give that kingdom
back to you.
Enjoy the kingdom rid of
all obstacles.
कैकेयीं मां च तातं च सुहृदो बान्धवांश्च नः ।
पौरजानपदान् सर्वास्त्रातु सर्वमिदं भवान् ॥
You should protect all of us, Kaikeyi,
myself, our father, all our friends and
relations and all the citizens as well
as country-folk.
क्व चारण्यं क्व च क्षात्रं क्व जटाः क्व च पालनम्।
ईदृशं व्याहतं कर्म न भवान् कर्तुमर्हति ॥
Where is the forest and where indeed
the duty of a Kshattriya? Where are
matted locks and where indeed is the duty
of protection ? You should not follow
such a contradictory course of action.