2023-02-19 12:14:08 by ambuda-bot
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Rama, highly distressed and lamenting,
uttered these words:
इदं भुङ्क्ष्व महाराज प्रीतो यदशना वयम् ।
यदन्नः पुरुषो भवति तदन्नास्तस्य देवताः ॥
"0 mighty monarch, feed on this which
we feed on, and be satisfied. That which is
the food of a person is the food of his gods."
ततः पर्णकुटीद्वारम् आसाद्य जगतीपतिः ।
परिजग्राह बाहुभ्याम् उभौ भरतलक्ष्मणौ ॥
Then, reaching the threshold of the
hermitage, Rama, the lord of the world,
embraced with his arms both Bharata
and Lakshmana.
अचिरप्रोषितं रामं चिरविप्रोषितं यथा ।
द्रष्टुकामो जनस्सर्वो जगाम सहसाऽऽश्रमम् ॥
All the people then went to the hermitage
with the desire of seeing Rama, who had
been away only for a short time, as though.
he had been away for a long time.
वसिष्ठः पुरतः कृत्वा दारान् दशरथस्य च ।
अभिचक्राम तं देशं रामदर्शनतर्षितः ॥
Rama, highly distressed and lamenting,
uttered these words:
इदं भुङ्क्ष्व महाराज प्रीतो यदशना वयम् ।
यदन्नः पुरुषो भवति तदन्नास्तस्य देवताः ॥
"0 mighty monarch, feed on this which
we feed on, and be satisfied. That which is
the food of a person is the food of his gods."
ततः पर्णकुटीद्वारम् आसाद्य जगतीपतिः ।
परिजग्राह बाहुभ्याम् उभौ भरतलक्ष्मणौ ॥
Then, reaching the threshold of the
hermitage, Rama, the lord of the world,
embraced with his arms both Bharata
and Lakshmana.
अचिरप्रोषितं रामं चिरविप्रोषितं यथा ।
द्रष्टुकामो जनस्सर्वो जगाम सहसाऽऽश्रमम् ॥
All the people then went to the hermitage
with the desire of seeing Rama, who had
been away only for a short time, as though.
he had been away for a long time.
वसिष्ठः पुरतः कृत्वा दारान् दशरथस्य च ।
अभिचक्राम तं देशं रामदर्शनतर्षितः ॥