2023-02-19 12:14:08 by ambuda-bot
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O foremost of men, arise; perform with
water the funeral rites to our father;
Satrughna here and myself have already
offered our water-libations.
प्रियेण खलु दत्तं हि पितृलोकेषु राघव ।
अक्षय्यं भवतीत्याहुः भवांश्चैव पितुः प्रियः ॥
O Raghava, (the wise) declare that that
which is given by the favourite son becomes
indeed inexhaustible in the world of the
Manes. And you were the favourite son of
our father."
तां श्रुत्वा करुणां वाचं पितुर्मरणसंहिताम् ।
राघवां भरतेनोक्तां बभूव गतचेतनः ॥
On hearing the moving words spoken by
Bharata regarding the death of his father,
Raghava became unconscious.
भ्रातरस्ते महेष्वासं सिषिचुस्सलिलेन वै ॥
And the brothers sprinkled water on
Rama the great bowman.
स तु संज्ञां पुनर्लब्ध्वा भार्यामभ्येत्य राघवः ।
सीते मृतस्ते श्वशुरः पित्रा हीनोऽसि लक्ष्मण ।
भरतो दुःखमाचष्टे स्वर्गत पृथिवीपतिम् ॥
O foremost of men, arise; perform with
water the funeral rites to our father;
Satrughna here and myself have already
offered our water-libations.
प्रियेण खलु दत्तं हि पितृलोकेषु राघव ।
अक्षय्यं भवतीत्याहुः भवांश्चैव पितुः प्रियः ॥
O Raghava, (the wise) declare that that
which is given by the favourite son becomes
indeed inexhaustible in the world of the
Manes. And you were the favourite son of
our father."
तां श्रुत्वा करुणां वाचं पितुर्मरणसंहिताम् ।
राघवां भरतेनोक्तां बभूव गतचेतनः ॥
On hearing the moving words spoken by
Bharata regarding the death of his father,
Raghava became unconscious.
भ्रातरस्ते महेष्वासं सिषिचुस्सलिलेन वै ॥
And the brothers sprinkled water on
Rama the great bowman.
स तु संज्ञां पुनर्लब्ध्वा भार्यामभ्येत्य राघवः ।
सीते मृतस्ते श्वशुरः पित्रा हीनोऽसि लक्ष्मण ।
भरतो दुःखमाचष्टे स्वर्गत पृथिवीपतिम् ॥