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O heroic Raghava, that Bharata for
whose sake you were driven away from
your permanent sovereignty, that enemy,
having arrived here, verily deserves to be
killed by me."
सुसंरब्धं तु सौमित्रि लक्ष्मणं क्रोधमूछितम् ।
रामस्तु परिसान्व्याथ वचनं चेदमब्रवीत् ॥
Pacifying Lakshmana, the son of Sumitra,
who was agitated and beside himself with
anger, Rama spoke to him these words :
किमत्र धनुषा कार्यमसिना वा सचर्मणा ।
महेष्वासे महाप्राज्ञे भरते स्वयमागते ॥
"What can be done in this matter by
the bow or the sword or the shield, when
the powerfully armed and highly wise
Bharata has himself come here?
पितुस्सत्यं प्रतिश्रुत्य हत्वा भरतमागतम् ।
किं करिष्यामि राज्येन सापवादेन लक्ष्मण ॥
Having promised to keep true my
father's word and after killing Bharata who
has arrived, what am I to do, O Lakshmana,
with the kingdom, with a stain attached
to it ?