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How can one born of Dasaratha become
an usurper of sovereignty ?"
एवमुक्ता तु धर्मात्मा भरतो भ्रातृवत्सलः ।
यात्रामाज्ञापय क्षिप्रं बलं चैव समानय ।
रथं मे त्वरयस्वेति सुमन्त्रं पार्श्वतोऽब्रवीत् ॥
Saying thus, the righteous-minded Bharata,
affectionate to his brothers, spoke to
Sumantra who was by his side : "Order
the journey, bring the army quickly and
get ready my chariot soon.'
ततस्समुत्थितः काल्यमास्थाय स्यन्दनोत्तमम् ।
प्रययौ भरतश्शीघ्रं रामदर्शनकाझ्या ॥
Then, rising up early in the morning
and seating himself in the best of chariots,
Bharata started quickly, desirous of
seeing Rama.
अग्रतः प्रययुस्तस्य सर्वे मन्त्रिपुरोधसः ।
कैकेयी च सुमित्रा च कौसल्या च यशस्विनी ।
रामानयनसंहृष्टा ययुर्यानेन भास्वता ॥
Before him went all the ministers and
priests ; Kaikeyi, Sumitra and Kausalya of
great fame went forth in a resplendent
chariot, well pleased at the prospect of
bringing back Rama.