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द्वादशेऽहनि संप्राप्ते श्राद्धकर्माण्यकारयत् ॥
And when the twelfth day arrived, he
caused the sraddha to be performed.
ततः प्रभातसमये दिवसे च चतुर्दशे ।
समेत्य राजकर्तारो भरतं वाक्यमब्रुवन् ॥
Then on the morning of the fourteenth
day, the king's counsellors, assembling
together, said to Bharata these words :
त्वमद्य भव नो राजा राजपुत्र महायशः ॥
Become now our king, O prince of
great fame."
भरतस्तं जनं सर्व प्रत्युवाच धृतव्रतः ॥
To all of them, Bharata, firm in vows,
replied :
रामः पूर्वी हि नो भ्राता भविष्यति महीपतिः ।
अहं त्वरण्ये वत्स्यामि नव वर्षाणि पञ्च च ॥
"Rama our eldest brother becomes the
king first. I shall live in the forest for
nine years and five.
कथं दशरथाज्जातो भवेतृाष्यपहारकः ॥