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श्रुत्वा तु पितरं वृत्तं भ्रातरौ च विवासितौ ।
भरतो दुःखसन्तप्त इदं वचनमब्रवीत् ॥
Hearing that his father was dead and his
brothers had been banished, Bharata, burn-
ing with distress, spoke these words :
किन्नु कार्य हतस्येह मम राज्येन शोचतः ।
विहीनस्याथ पित्रा च भ्रात्रा पितृसमेन च ॥
Verily, of what use is this kingdom to
me, wretched as I am, stricken with sorrow
and bereft of father and a father-like
brother ?
कुलस्य त्वमभावाय कालरात्रिरिवागता ।
विनाशितो महाराजः पिता मे धर्मवत्सलः ॥
You have come for the destruction of
the family like the night of doom. The
great king, my father, who loved
dharma, has been destroyed by you.
ननु त्वार्योऽपि धर्मात्मा त्वयि वृत्तिमनुत्तमाम् ।
वर्तते गुरुवृत्तिज्ञो यथा मातरि वर्तते ॥
Verily, my noble and righteous-minded
brother, who knows his duty to elders, has