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The two (Rama and Lakshmana) bearing
their bows and after going pleasantly on,
met Bharadvaja at the confluence of the
Ganges and the Yamuna, when the sun
was inclining to the west.
राममागतमभ्यर्च्य स्वागतेनाह तं मुनिः ॥
The ascetic, after duly honouring Rama
who had arrived, bade him welcome and said :
चिरस्य खलु काकुत्स्थ पश्यामि त्वामिहागतम् ।
श्रुतं तव मया चेदं विवासनमकारणम् ॥
Long have I visualised you arrived here,
for your unjustifiable exile has been heard
of by me.
प्रविविक्तमहं मन्ये तं वासं भवतः सुखम् ।
मधुमूलफलोपेतं चित्रकूटं व्रजेति ह ॥
I think Chitrakuta, which is open, lovely,
full of honey, roots and fruits, is a pleasant
place for you to live in. Proceed thither."
ततस्तौ पादचारेण गच्छन्तौ सह सीतया ।
रम्यमासेदतुः शैलं चित्रकूटं मनोरमम् ॥
Then, going on foot along with Sita,
they reached the pleasant and delightful
Chitrakuta mountain.