2023-02-19 12:14:04 by ambuda-bot
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नगरीं त्वां गतं दृष्ट्वा जननी मे यवीयसी ।
कैकेयी प्रत्ययं गच्छेदिति रामो वनं गतः ॥
"Seeing you returned to the city, my
youngest mother Kaikeyi will have the
assurance that Rama is gone to the forest.
परितुष्टा हि सा देवी वनवासं गते मयि ।
राजानं नातिशङ्केत मिथ्यावादीति धार्मिकम् ॥
For, when the queen is pleased because
of my departure to the forest, she will not
doubt the righteous-minded king, that he
has told an untruth.
मम प्रियार्थ राशश्च सरथस्त्वं पुरीं व्रज ॥
For the sake of your love for me and for
the king, do you go to
to the city along
with the chariot."
अनुशाय सुमन्त्रं च सबलं चैव तं गुहम् ।
आस्थाय नावं रामस्तु शीघ्रं सलिलमत्यगात् ॥
Giving leave to Sumantra, his followers
and Guha, Rama took his seat in the boat
and soon crossed the waters.
धन्विनौ तौ सुखं गत्वा लम्बमाने दिवाकरे ।
गङ्गायमुनयोः सन्धौ भरद्वाजमुपागमत् ॥
नगरीं त्वां गतं दृष्ट्वा जननी मे यवीयसी ।
कैकेयी प्रत्ययं गच्छेदिति रामो वनं गतः ॥
"Seeing you returned to the city, my
youngest mother Kaikeyi will have the
assurance that Rama is gone to the forest.
परितुष्टा हि सा देवी वनवासं गते मयि ।
राजानं नातिशङ्केत मिथ्यावादीति धार्मिकम् ॥
For, when the queen is pleased because
of my departure to the forest, she will not
doubt the righteous-minded king, that he
has told an untruth.
मम प्रियार्थ राशश्च सरथस्त्वं पुरीं व्रज ॥
For the sake of your love for me and for
the king, do you go to
to the city along
with the chariot."
अनुशाय सुमन्त्रं च सबलं चैव तं गुहम् ।
आस्थाय नावं रामस्तु शीघ्रं सलिलमत्यगात् ॥
Giving leave to Sumantra, his followers
and Guha, Rama took his seat in the boat
and soon crossed the waters.
धन्विनौ तौ सुखं गत्वा लम्बमाने दिवाकरे ।
गङ्गायमुनयोः सन्धौ भरद्वाजमुपागमत् ॥