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आर्यपुत्र पिता माता भ्राता पुत्रस्तथा स्नुषा ।
स्वानि पुण्यानि भुञ्जानाः स्वं स्वं भाग्यमुपासते ॥
O noble Sir, father, mother, brother,
son and daughter-in-law too-all these,
experiencing the fruit of their own karma,
perform their several deeds.
भर्तुर्भाग्यं तु भायैका प्राप्नोति पुरुषर्षभ ।
अतश्चैवाहमादिष्टा वने वस्तव्यमित्यपि ॥
But wife alone, O best of
men, shares
the fortune of her husband. For that
very reason I (too) have been ordered to
live in the forest.
ever the
and hereafter.
न पिता नात्मजो नात्मा न माता न सखीजनः ।
इह प्रेत्य च नारीणां पतिरेको गतिः सदा ॥
Not father, not son, not one's self, not
mother, not friend, but husband alone is
recourse for women, here
यदि त्वं प्रस्थितो दुर्ग वनमद्यैव राघव ।
अग्रतस्ते गमिष्यामि मृद्नन्ती कुशकण्टकान् ॥
O Raghava, if you are bound for the
impenetrable forest this very day, I shall.