2023-02-19 12:13:59 by ambuda-bot
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ऋद्धियुक्ता हि पुरुषा न सहन्ते परस्तवम् ।
तस्मान्न ते गुणाः कत्थ्या भरतस्याग्रतो मम ॥
For, people raised to
power do not
Therefore, my
tolerate praise of others.
qualities should not be praised by you in
the presence of Bharata.
याते च मयि कल्याणि वनं मुनिनिषेवितम् ।
व्रतोपवासपरया भवितव्यं त्वयाऽनघे ॥
O, good and sinless one, when I
gone to the forest where ascetics dwell,
you should be devoted to the practice of
vows and fasts.
काल्यमुत्थाय देवानां कृत्वा पूजां यथाविधि ।
वन्दितव्यो दशरथः पिता मम नरेश्वरः ॥
Having risen early in the morning and
performed the worship of the gods, you
should salute my father, the lord of men.
माता च मम कौसल्या वृद्धा सन्तापकर्शिता ।
धर्ममेवाग्रतः कृत्वा त्वत्तस्संमानमर्हति ॥
My mother Kausalya too, who is old
and emaciated on account of her anguish,
ऋद्धियुक्ता हि पुरुषा न सहन्ते परस्तवम् ।
तस्मान्न ते गुणाः कत्थ्या भरतस्याग्रतो मम ॥
For, people raised to
power do not
Therefore, my
tolerate praise of others.
qualities should not be praised by you in
the presence of Bharata.
याते च मयि कल्याणि वनं मुनिनिषेवितम् ।
व्रतोपवासपरया भवितव्यं त्वयाऽनघे ॥
O, good and sinless one, when I
gone to the forest where ascetics dwell,
you should be devoted to the practice of
vows and fasts.
काल्यमुत्थाय देवानां कृत्वा पूजां यथाविधि ।
वन्दितव्यो दशरथः पिता मम नरेश्वरः ॥
Having risen early in the morning and
performed the worship of the gods, you
should salute my father, the lord of men.
माता च मम कौसल्या वृद्धा सन्तापकर्शिता ।
धर्ममेवाग्रतः कृत्वा त्वत्तस्संमानमर्हति ॥
My mother Kausalya too, who is old
and emaciated on account of her anguish,