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help and co-operation of my dear old friend,
the Rt. Hon. V. S. Srinivasa Sastri, to whom
I am indebted in many ways right from the
beginning of my publishing and journa-
listic work. Apart from making many
valuable suggestions, he has been good
enough to go through the text and transla-
tion carefully and also write a Foreword to
the book. Nor can I forget to pay a tribute
to the learning and discernment of Pandit
A. M. Srinivasachariar for his valuable help
in the compilation of the text.
I venture to hope that this popular
edition of the great Indian Epic will find
its way to thousands of homes and also to
all schools and colleges.
February 1935.
help and co-operation of my dear old friend,
the Rt. Hon. V. S. Srinivasa Sastri, to whom
I am indebted in many ways right from the
beginning of my publishing and journa-
listic work. Apart from making many
valuable suggestions, he has been good
enough to go through the text and transla-
tion carefully and also write a Foreword to
the book. Nor can I forget to pay a tribute
to the learning and discernment of Pandit
A. M. Srinivasachariar for his valuable help
in the compilation of the text.
I venture to hope that this popular
edition of the great Indian Epic will find
its way to thousands of homes and also to
all schools and colleges.
February 1935.