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व्रतोपवासनिरता या नारी परमोत्तमा ।
भर्तारं नानुवर्तेत सा तु पापगतिर्भवेत् ॥
That woman who though noblest of all,
and given to the practice of vows and fasts,
does not look after her husband, will
indeed obtain an unmeritorious future.
भर्तुः शुश्रूषया नारी लभते स्वर्गमुत्तमम् ।
अपि या निर्नमस्कारा निवृत्ता देवपूजनात् ॥
Even if a woman has never bowed to
the gods and has ceased to worship them,
she obtains the highest heaven by serving
her husband.
शुश्रूषामेव कुर्वीत भर्तुः प्रियहिते रता ।
एष धर्मः पुरा दृष्टां लोके वेदे श्रुतः स्मृतः ॥
A woman should be absorbed in the
service of her husband, taking delight in
the doing of his pleasure and his
good. This is the path of Dharma, known
for long ages, revealed in the Vedas and
remembered by the world.
अग्निकार्येषु च सदा सुमनोभिश्च देवताः ।
पूज्यास्ते मत्कृते देवि ब्राह्मणाश्चैव सुव्रताः ॥
एवं कालं प्रतीक्षस्व ममागमनकाङ्क्षिणी ॥