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To his mother Kausalya who
was thus
lamenting piteously, Rama, the
minded, uttered these words full of
righteousness :
नास्ति शक्तिः पितुर्वाक्यं समतिक्रमितुं मम ।
प्रसादये त्वां शिरसा गन्तुमिच्छाम्यहं वनम् ॥
I cannot transgress my father's mandate.
I crave your approval with bowed head;
I am desirous of proceeding to the forest.
पितुहि वचनं कुर्वन्न कश्चिन्नाम हीयते ॥
No one indeed suffers because of his
having carried out his father's mandate."
तामेवमुक्ता जननीं लक्ष्मण पुनरब्रवीत् ।
वाक्यं वाक्यविदां श्रेष्ठः श्रेष्ठस्सर्वधनुष्मताम् ॥
Having told his mother thus, Rama, the
best of those well-versed in speech and the
foremost of all bow-men, spoke then to
Lakshmana :
धर्मो हि परमो लोके धर्मे सत्यं प्रतिष्ठितम् ।
धर्मसंश्रितमेतच्च पितुर्वचनमुत्तमम् ॥
"Dharma indeed is supreme in the world.
In dharma, is truth rooted. And this, my
father's command, based on dharma is