2023-02-19 12:13:56 by ambuda-bot
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देवि नूनं न जानीषे महद्भयमुपस्थितम् ।
इदं तव च दुःखाय वैदेह्या लक्ष्मणस्य च ॥
"O Queen, you surely do not know the
great impending calamity. It will cause
grief to you and to Sita and Lakshmana.
भरताय महाराजो यौवराज्यं प्रयच्छति ।
मां पुनर्दण्डकारण्ये विवासयति तापसम् ॥
The great king gives the Yanvarajya to
Bharata while he banishes me as an ascetic
to the Dandaka forest."
सा निकृत्तेव सालस्य यष्टिः परशुना वने ।
पपात सहसा देवी देवतेव दिवश्च्युता ॥
Like unto the trunk of a Sala tree cut
down by an axe in the forest, the queen
fell down suddenly as a goddess fallen
from heaven.
रामस्तूत्थापयामास मातरं गतचेतसम् ।
पांसुगुण्ठितसर्वाङ्गी विममर्श च पाणिना ॥
Rama raised up his mother who had lost
consciousness and whose every limb was
covered with dust; and he stroked her with
his hands.
देवि नूनं न जानीषे महद्भयमुपस्थितम् ।
इदं तव च दुःखाय वैदेह्या लक्ष्मणस्य च ॥
"O Queen, you surely do not know the
great impending calamity. It will cause
grief to you and to Sita and Lakshmana.
भरताय महाराजो यौवराज्यं प्रयच्छति ।
मां पुनर्दण्डकारण्ये विवासयति तापसम् ॥
The great king gives the Yanvarajya to
Bharata while he banishes me as an ascetic
to the Dandaka forest."
सा निकृत्तेव सालस्य यष्टिः परशुना वने ।
पपात सहसा देवी देवतेव दिवश्च्युता ॥
Like unto the trunk of a Sala tree cut
down by an axe in the forest, the queen
fell down suddenly as a goddess fallen
from heaven.
रामस्तूत्थापयामास मातरं गतचेतसम् ।
पांसुगुण्ठितसर्वाङ्गी विममर्श च पाणिना ॥
Rama raised up his mother who had lost
consciousness and whose every limb was
covered with dust; and he stroked her with
his hands.