2023-02-19 12:13:55 by ambuda-bot
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अनुक्तोऽप्यत्रभवता भवत्या वचनादहम् ।
वने वत्स्थामि विजने वर्षाणीह चतुर्दश ॥
Even though not told by my father,
I will, at your bidding, live for fourteen
years in the forest deserted by men.
न नूनं मयि कैकेयि किञ्चिदाशंससे गुणम् ।
यद्राजानमवोचस्त्वं ममेश्वरतरा सती ॥
Verily, O Kaikeyi, you do not perceive
any virtue in me as you, having complete
command over me, spoke (your wish) to
the king.
यावन्मातरमापृच्छे सीतां चानुनयाम्यहम् ।
ततोऽद्यैव गमिष्यामि दण्डकानां महद्वनम् ॥
As soon as I have taken leave of my
mother and consoled Sita, I shall journey
this very day to the great Dandaka forest.
भरतः पालयेद्राज्यं शुश्रूषेच्च पितुर्यथा ।
तथा भवत्या कर्तव्यं स हि धर्मः सनातनः ॥
You should take such steps that Bharata
would rule the kingdom and serve father
too. For this is the Eternal Duty."
अनुक्तोऽप्यत्रभवता भवत्या वचनादहम् ।
वने वत्स्थामि विजने वर्षाणीह चतुर्दश ॥
Even though not told by my father,
I will, at your bidding, live for fourteen
years in the forest deserted by men.
न नूनं मयि कैकेयि किञ्चिदाशंससे गुणम् ।
यद्राजानमवोचस्त्वं ममेश्वरतरा सती ॥
Verily, O Kaikeyi, you do not perceive
any virtue in me as you, having complete
command over me, spoke (your wish) to
the king.
यावन्मातरमापृच्छे सीतां चानुनयाम्यहम् ।
ततोऽद्यैव गमिष्यामि दण्डकानां महद्वनम् ॥
As soon as I have taken leave of my
mother and consoled Sita, I shall journey
this very day to the great Dandaka forest.
भरतः पालयेद्राज्यं शुश्रूषेच्च पितुर्यथा ।
तथा भवत्या कर्तव्यं स हि धर्मः सनातनः ॥
You should take such steps that Bharata
would rule the kingdom and serve father
too. For this is the Eternal Duty."