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on the left margin of each folio with a dedication to Jalandhar show this to
be a Nāthapanthiya MS. The repetition of avartah samśayānām is corrected,
and V 84 [194] wrongly omitted. Colophon:
सप्तनभेमही मितवर्षे पौषसितेऽर्कतिथौ बुधवारे । भर्तृहरेः शतकत्रयमेतत् सादरं लिखितवान्द्विजशंभुः ॥ १ ॥
स्वोत्तमांगमणिलालितनाथ- श्रीनिवासचरणो नृपमानः । भूप मौलिमणिरञ्जितपत्कोयं कवींद्र इति वक्ति कृपातः॥२॥ श्रीः
Version B. Basically a shorter collection, later expanded from A and
E. The chart is constituted from Bi and the corrupt but complete though
uncommented Baroda 11725 [dated samvat 1889 = A. D. 1832]. The readings
of B1 should be taken as characteristic, as B2 is contaminated by the E-H
complex. On the whole version, however, S intluences are manifest, as for
example in śakayuvati-, 257. The Gujarati prose commentary is anonymous,
but other different commentaries of the same type exist, such as GVS 734
[Niti]. The S is supported by Oxford Bodleian 247 and GVS 1049; the V
by BORI 349 and Limbdi 1359, all with the Gujarati commentary.
B₁Oxford Bodleian 246[ Aufrecht] = Walker 152c. Collated from
rotograph copy. Fol. 50-190-239. Dated 1743, copied at Anjunpur.
B2= BVB 1; size 10″ × 4-1/2", fol. 41, 1. 15-17, let. 45-48. Differs
slightly in order from B1 and has the text of an occasional stanza wrongly
omitted by the scribe's carelessness. Colophon:
इति श्रीमहाराज भर्तृहरकृतं वैराग्यशतं संपूर्ण । श्रीरस्तु । मुनिभक्तिचंद्रलिषितं मया ॥ ६० ॥ श्रीगणेशाय
नमः ॥ मुनि श्री भक्तिचंद्रेण इदं ग्रंथ पठितं ॥ स्व आत्मार्थे परोपकारार्थे लिखीत भर्तृशतं ग्रंथ ॥ अथौ
A later acquisition in the BVB collection is mostly of this version with
commentatary but from N 101 to $ 18 gives A text and gloss.
Version C: Not well-determined, being represented by just one complete
MS: C= Rājāpūr 3; size 8–7/8″ × 4-1/2″; fol. 44, 1. 7, let. 30. Undated but old
in appearance. Calligraphy northern, with an occasional letter turned in
Mahārāṣṭrian style; letter ja always written double; gaps in original exemplar
indicated by the copyist with - Order V-S-N. The characteristic portion,
a short śṛngāra, is confirmed by ISM Candracuḍa 603, a more recent Mahärāş-
trian copy of the Ś alone. This, though containing 5 more stanzas [charted in
square brackets] has only 96 ślokas in all; not used for the 5 insertions, it is
there indicated by C2. The C Vairāgya is paralleled but not fully confirmed
by a Bengali MS, 10 11516[= E 3996].
Version D: Characterized by a long Vairagya, but not well-determined.
The only complete MS is D=Ujjain 1838; size 5-1/4" x 9-1/2" [written
crosswise]; fol. 44, 1. 22-24, let. 13. Fol. 21 blank without gap in text, but
lacunae in original indicated by Copied unintelligently from a much
older source in Poona, 1814 A. D. Colophon: cagourdones i aà LUZE HOT
नाम संवत्सरे पोष्यमासे कृष्णपक्षे प्रतिपद्यायां गुरुवासरे चतुर्थप्रहरे पुण्यमामे बालाजी माणकेश्वरेण लिखितं ॥
The long V of 151 stanzas is supported by the Anandāśrama [B. D.
Apte] fragment which contains the last 100 ślokas thereof, but with two
extras just before the final sa ko'pi smaryatām. This version is also
parallelled by the Mehidpur MS and Bikaner 3279, which are intermediate
between D and other versions with a long V, as for example BORI 328
whose V stanzas are numbered to 163 in the MS, 178 by actual count, and